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Organic Kashi Soppu
Rs. 50.00 Rs. 65.00
SKU: 200g
Organic Ganike soppu,nightshad,Kashi, manathakkali keerai, makoy leaves are used as a leaf vegetable and used in cooking. Ganike plant is a highly nutritious plant and it is used to cure many ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. Leaves of this plant are used as a good remedy for cold, cough, mouth ulcer and stomach related problems.Leaves are used in thambuli, rasam and curries.
Ganike soppu and its fruits has the most nutritious and medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins and minerals., anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antipyretic.
Ganike leaves are medicine as well as a special diet for many ailments like diabetes, liver ailments, respiratory problems, fever, constipation and also increases milk production in lactating mothers.
Health Benefit:
- Very low in calories and fats.
- Its leaves hold good amount of soluble dietary fiber and no wonder green water spinach is one of the finest vegetable sources recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs by dieticians.
- Reduce night blindness, itching eyes and eye ulcers.
- Reduces hypertension.
- Strengthens the heart muscle.
- Helps to reduce Cancer.
- Help in building strong bones.
- Decrease gastric ulcers.
- Reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke.
- Vitamin - A,B,C,E,K.
- Minerals - Calcium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, magnesium, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin.