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Organic Papaya leaves
Rs. 75.00 Rs. 95.00
SKU: 100gms
Treats Dengue fever
A common remedy that is advised by all to dengue patients is papaya leaf juice. Dengue is caused by infected Aedes mosquitoes, who transmit the disease into our blood. Dengue fever severely brings down the blood platelet count, and the extracts from papaya leaf are known to help increase the count.
Anti-Malarial Properties
Papaya leaves have strong anti-malarial properties. A compound found in papaya leaf is acerogenin, which can help prevent dangerous disease like malaria and dengue.
Good for Liver
Just as papaya, papaya leaf juice also acts as a potent cleansing agent for the liver, thereby healing many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis.
Supports Digestion
The book Healing Food mentions how “papaya contains enzymes papain and chymonpapain. Both have been shown to aid digestion, prevent constipation and clean the colon.
Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Papaya leaf juice can work wonders for diabetics as well, as it regulates the production of insulin, which in turn checks blood sugar levels. Its strong antioxidant nature also helps to bring down the consequent complications of diabetes like kidney damage and fatty liver.
Cure to Your Menstrual Pain
Are you a victim of excruciating menstrual cramps and lower abdominal pain during your periods? Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and reduce the pain. Drinking this juice also brings down PMS symptoms.
Helps Treat Skin Problems
Papaya leaf juice has a rich content of vitamin C and A, which boost skin health and lend you a healthier and radiant skin. Papaya leaf juice suppresses the activity of free radicals.
Promotes Hair Growth
The extract of papaya leaf is said to promote hair growth, prevent balding and thinning of hair. It is an important ingredient used in anti-dandruff shampoos because of the karpain compound. This alkaloid component is effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp. It can also serve as a natural conditioner and bring back the lost sheen to your hair.
Reduces Cancer Risks
Extracts from papaya leaf boasts of great anti-cancer properties majorly because of its compound acetogenin.