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Organic 7 Grain Atta

Rs. 120.00 Rs. 140.00

SKU:  1kg

Only 5 left!

Organic Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Mungbean, Barley, Finger Millet, and Soybean are the 7 grains and millets which in the right combination will enhance your 7-grain atta to provide your body with essential nutrients and minerals.

Health benefits of fenugreek

Packed with proteins, fibers, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, phosphorous, and many essential phytonutrients, fenugreek is a power pack of health benefits.

  1.    Good for effective diabetes management

Consuming 5-50 grams of fenugreek on a daily basis helps control blood sugar levels and effectively manage type 2-diabetes. Fenugreek slows down the absorption of sugar and stimulates insulin thereby improving overall bodily functions and controlling blood sugar irregularities.

  1.    Helps control cholesterol

Consuming fenugreek on a daily basis is one of the best natural methods of reducing cholesterol in the bloodstream and preventing various associated health risks like heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. A rich source of dietary fiber, fenugreek is highly beneficial for reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol) levels.

  1.    Help prevent digestive disorders

Fenugreek is also good for keeping various digestive problems like constipation, upset stomach, and inflammation at bay. Most of these benefits are mainly attributed to high water-soluble fiber content.

When organic 7 grain methi Atta can add the goodness of 7 different grains to your meal and help you prevent diabetes, then why stick to the usual flours? A small lifestyle change is all it takes to stay healthy and lead a disease-free life.