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Natural & Pure Wild Forest Honey*

Rs. 599.00 Rs. 699.00

SKU:  500Gms

Only 9 left!

Natural Pure Wild Forest Honey has been used since centuries for its remedial and medicinal properties by various cultures all over the world. Our Wild Honey is made from original, authentic honeys that are collected from forests, not farms. It contains the best of antioxidants, minerals and enzymes. Neither pasteurised, nor heated or processed. Since our honey is 100% natural, the smell, color and taste depend on the types of flowers the bees have visited. It changes from season to season. Wild Forest Honey collected from the wild forest of Himalayan region, free from pollution and free of pesticides , antibiotics or other chemicals and Bee hives is from the high mountain and forest regions. 

Note on packaging:

Honey is packed and delivered in Glass bottles. The bottle can be retained by you. Return the bottle and earn store credit on our online store. You can redeem the points in further purchases.

Health Benefit:

  • Helps to skin care and stamina development.
  • Prevent cancer and heart disease
  • Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Reduces cough and throat irritation
  • Helps to regulate Blood sugar
  • Heal wounds and burns
  • Strengthen the immune system


  • Vitamin-A, B,D
  • Minerals - Calcium, Animal Protein, Lactic acid.   
    "Let’s walk together to make the planet a better place to live"

      *Now Earn Rs.10(500ml),Rs.8(250ml) on Return of Bottle